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Electric vehicles FAQ: the expert answers your questions Electric vehicles FAQ: the expert answers your questions

Electric vehicles FAQ: answers to your questions

From charging times, to battery life and driving characteristics. Here are the most frequently asked questions and answers about electric cars and electric vehicles given by an Alke' expert. These are vehicles whose use is very simple but not yet well known in all its aspects.


Regenerative braking system - Electric vehicles and electric cars

Operation of electric cars


The most commonly used technical terms are explained in a simple way and specific information is provided for understanding how to best use electric vehicles in particular conditions of use. Here you can find the Guides for electric cars, tips and secrets for using your electric car better. An electric vehicle is a means of transport that uses only electrical energy to move. We explain in a simple and concise way how an electric vehicle works.



Electric vehicles Alke' features

Let's find out more about Alke' electric vehicles


Here are the most frequently asked questions about Alkè electric vehicles and the answers provided by our technicians. Alkè work vehicles have very high performances and can be used in many fields, here you can find some clarifications on these aspects too.



Used electric vehicles - Used electric cars

New and used electric cars - Used electric vehicles and second-hand electric vehicles


In this section we also explain for those who are not in the sector what are the parameters to take into account when evaluating the purchase of a used electric car. The questions to be asked before buying used electric vehicles but also in case of purchase of the new one.



Electric minivan and transporter - Questions

Questions regarding electric transporters and minivans


The world of Alke' minivans and transporters is of particular interest to many of our customers. We now summarize the main questions in this regard with the relative answers given on each occasion by our experts, as well as other information of a more general nature and the explanation of some technical terms that are used in the field of electric vehicles, a sort of glossary of electric cars.





If you have any general questions we will be only too happy to reply:

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