ALKE' references
The result of a constant commitment and of a quality that we cannot give up.
public sector | municipal services, hospitals, school and university campuses, community services, cemeteries, park and green area maintenance, waste collection services, cological and environmental services, civil protection, fireprevention services, maintenance services in historical centres |
tourism sector | holiday parks, resorts, residences and hotels, golf clubs, parks, camp sites, beaches, seaside resorts, tourist-cultural sites, cultural sites, zoos and amusement parks, sport centres, ski centres, first aid services |
industry commerce |
industrial plants, shipyards, logistical centres, ports and airports, inter-ports, railway stations, exhibition structures, postal and courier services, catering services, home delivery services, conference centres, shopping centres |
agriculture sector | farms, farmhouses, riding schools, organic farming centres, fish farms, vineyards, wooded areas, garden centres, nurseries, floriculture, greenhouses, estates on flat or hilly terrain, maintenance of parks of villas and castles |
ATEX explosion proof vehicles | chemical and petrochemical industries, production sites of mineral oil and natural gas, mining, tunnel construction and maintenance and many other sectors |
Our international references: